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Mad Caps

April 14, 2010 - Games
Mad Caps

From the creative and crazy minds that brought you Chainz comes Mad Caps, a puzzle game gone MAD! Send bottle caps flying with every move to get your fill of tasty soda. Zap caps with ray guns, target them with rockets or let the alien transform them. Collect letters to spell Mystery Words along with other “under-the-cap” bonuses. Let Mad Caps quench your thirst for fun!

Unbottle the fun with Mad Caps, a puzzle game gone MAD! Switch bottle caps to line up three or more of the same color and remove them from the board.

Use power-ups like rockets, ray guns and alien creatures to help you reach your goal before time runs out! Send bottle caps flying with every move to get your fill of tasty soda.

Collect letters to spell Mystery Words along with other “under-the-cap” bonuses. Featuring a kitschy style reminiscent of the 50s, you’ll gulp down nothing but fun with Mad Caps! Let Mad Caps quench your thirst for addictive puzzle action!

System Requirements

(Cracked Repack)



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