// galaksion // ad-maven
I maybe will offline for a white… will try rma cpu … 5800x whea 18 error non stop now…
strength to you
Broke @@” can’t wait rma… need buy new cpu
amd sucks ,intel is so much better i use i9-14900K,but good luck with the rma
Buy new 5800x 3D install and cannot boot @@” sad
if you want a amd than take at least a 5950x its faster than a 5800x3d and make sure you update the bios before you install the new cpu via usb flash
fixed via usb qflash mode… 5950x is very expensive sir… 🙂 i’m back
@Cyberloner : You have trying to start in “Safe mode” after you have pluged your new CPU ?
Lot of cards and/or a complete restore by an app need these step.
Check the max spec possible on your motherboard to look if your CPU is compatible…
Update your “Bios” if you are comfortable with that. It’s important for compatibility.
If all that not work, check your motherboard with an old working CPU. Maybe it’s your motherboard. I hope not!
Finally, if the motherboard work properly, check the pins on your new CPU to see if there is no manufacturing defect.
And don’t forget, Grizzly is more expensive but it is always very cold compare to others. 🙂
I hope i help you. Have a great day! 😉
No sir… cannot enter the bios… screen stuck
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8 thoughts on “PC problem”
strength to you
Broke @@” can’t wait rma… need buy new cpu
amd sucks ,intel is so much better i use i9-14900K,but good luck with the rma
Buy new 5800x 3D install and cannot boot @@” sad
if you want a amd than take at least a 5950x its faster than a 5800x3d and make sure you update the bios before you install the new cpu via usb flash
fixed via usb qflash mode… 5950x is very expensive sir… 🙂 i’m back
@Cyberloner : You have trying to start in “Safe mode” after you have pluged your new CPU ?
Lot of cards and/or a complete restore by an app need these step.
Check the max spec possible on your motherboard to look if your CPU is compatible…
Update your “Bios” if you are comfortable with that. It’s important for compatibility.
If all that not work, check your motherboard with an old working CPU.
Maybe it’s your motherboard. I hope not!
Finally, if the motherboard work properly, check the pins on your new CPU
to see if there is no manufacturing defect.
And don’t forget, Grizzly is more expensive but it is always very cold compare to others.
I hope i help you. Have a great day! 😉
No sir… cannot enter the bios… screen stuck