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ViVeTool-GUI 1.6.2

September 24, 2022 - Software
ViVeTool-GUI 1.6.2

Windows Feature Control GUI based on ViVeTool

How to use it?

Using it is simple, Either:

  1. Select the Build for which you want to enable or disable features for. Image showing you how to perform Method 1
  2. Wait for it to load in, open one of the Groups by pressing the Arrow, and select the Feature that you are looking for.
  3. Press on Perform Action and perform your desired action for the entered feature ID.

Image showing you how to perform Method 2



  1. Press on “Manually change a Feature” (F12)
  2. Enter a Feature ID
  3. Press on Perform Action and perform your desired action for the selected feature.


What are the additional features?

Apart from being able to manage features, ViVeTool GUI let´s you also:

What are the System Requirements?

Since ViVeTool GUI uses the ViVe API, Windows 10 Build 18963 (Version 2004) and newer is the only OS Requirement.

Apart from that, the only Requirement is .Net Framework 4.8

Why not just use ViVeTool?

Using ViVeTool GUI is more easier and user-friendly, besides it let’s you also search for features and enable them with a few clicks.


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