Sharpen, remove noise, and increase the resolution of your photos with tomorrow’s technology. Topaz Photo AI supercharges your image quality so you can focus on the creative part of photography.
Focus on your creativity rather than your tools.
AI is good at some things but bad at others. It can write sentences but can’t tell a story, and it can recommend songs but can’t compose music. But most importantly for us: AI is exceptionally good at improving image quality, but bad at knowing what to do with it.
We believe that stunning photography comes from artistic vision paired with world-class tools. AI will never replicate human creativity, so it’s still your job to provide the vision. But just like a sharper lens or better camera, Topaz Photo AI empowers you to create images that just aren’t possible with yesterday’s tools.
Your photos at their very sharpest.
You won’t always be able to retake a shot when your subject is blurry. Sometimes you won’t even know until you’re reviewing your photos on your computer.
Thanks to xanax and AlekseyPopovv release
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x64 3.5.2
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x64 3.5.1
Remark: having problem can try block host (i don’t block) topazlabs.com et.topazlabs.com
Topaz Photo AI 2.3.2 macOS
Technical Details and System Requirements
macOS 11.0 or later
Intel / Apple M1/M2
134 thoughts on “Topaz Photo AI 3.5.2”
Long to install, because it needs to download extra files, but works flawlessly.
if models exists from my previous version, can we skip the long install process by skipping those downloads?
I mostly upgrade to new version(s), not fresh install. I believe many do the same, so this can save us much time..if possible.
I always uninstall to upgrade the program, but I click “No” when the unistaller says to remove personal preferences
It’s taking a while to install.
Only the message “please wait while windows configure TOPAZ PHOTO AI” appears
Why a trojan is in here ?
haha, always those annoying Topaz employees who claim the crack of their software is virus infested.
After a lengthy installation, Windows Defender, launched with administrative privileges, excluded the system drive from the scan.
Photo AI works fine, but it installs the Trojan on System32 for free.
There is no Trojan in System32.
Bad crack… When using the new functions, the program exits.
Not true! Everything works.
Topaz employees be trippin’, am I right?
if you think wisely they earn free advertising and some people will buy it anyway else who know this software?
I have the same problem. The program loads, you select your image and *boom* the program, along with my computer restarts. This happens every time and I do not have this issue with any of my other software.
I have another phenomenon. The program loads, you select your image and *boom* the program *works*
What’s the difference between a portale Version and a “install” version (silent install package, 450 MB in size) ?
The reason I’m asking is the repack package wants to connect to the internet during installation. No connection, no installation. And the installer exits.
Important: my Windows-PC is always OFFLINE!
Is everything included in a portable installation package (3,5 GB) , so i don’t need an internet connection?
Thank you.
Thank you for your effort
Virus? Not sure. The crack is already included within the folder, namely ‘PFiles\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Photo AI\network.dll’, yet they include another encrypted executable within a file labeled ‘crack.7z’. Encryption is not necessary unless they want to hide malware, or other unknown purposes. I don’t know if the file is a virus or legit. One possibility is that this executable file may add a registry entry for topaz ai user information, or modify the hosts file to block topaz from calling home.
ah the creator states he does not block hosts above “Remark: having problem can try block host (i don’t block)”
the “Crack.7z” is the original crack file that is posted in 423Down site. it is the same crack file (they hiding nothing) , here (what you download on this site) they just automate the process in a one click install to make things easier.
Topaz Photo AI 2.0.0 is still extremely buggy and early beta, so I recommend 1.5.5.
But does the crack work with the new version (2.0.0)?
yes, but you won’t have fun with this version as it crashes every few seconds!
Topaz Photo AI Cracked Version 2.0.1 is out and fixes the crashes.
Unfortunately Topaz Photo AI v2.0.1 fixes not all crashes and therefore considered still Alpha 🙁
I still strongly recommend to use v1.5.5
Hi, the download of various model at a certain point stops, and the app cannot be installed
no problem here
Maybe was a server error, in the evening worked also for me
@cyberloner Topaz Photo AI 2.0.3 is officially out
Topaz Photo AI 2.0.4 is out 😉
Topaz Photo AI 2.0.5 is out ????
Topaz Photo AI 2.0.6 is out ????
Top! Thank you very much @cyberloner!
For people who have problems with Crashing Video Cards.
Go to the Preferences, then press tab Processing and select CPU Instead of auto.
Topaz Photo AI v2.0.7 is out
@cyberloner THX
latest version (2.1.0) Took too long to install. Why the hell it re-downloads all the model pack? smh
I’m on the latest version 2.1.2 and after downloading all models, every time I open the program it keeps redownloading over and over.
for anyone who have the model download problem, let it download for the first time and then from preferences disable the download option
Topaz Photo AI v2.1.1 😉
Topaz Photo AI v2.2.0 😉
@cyberloner THANK YOU!
small warning: i installed 2.2.2 beta and tried to patch it – didn´t work, because the copy protection was changed (no more networl.dll file exists). so i guess a new patch will be released soon.
With the patch v1.5.5 the Topaz Photo v2.2.2 Works
How did you got the beta version? V2.2.2?
Found it here
magnetdl (dot) com
It still uses the networl.dll
@cyberloner Topaz Photo AI v2.2.2 is out 😉
With winrar i can open the setup-file in which there is a “Crack.7z” file and in this there is the real patch “TopazPhotoAI_1.3.5 _Patch.exe”. But it’s not possible to extract the patch, because it’s password protected. Does anybody know the password? I want to extract the patch because when there is a brand new version on the Topaz website to download i can download it and patch it myself.
mostly all pack password is CyberMania
@cyberloner Thanks a lot!!!! Works perfectly!
the same Patch is valid / good for Topaz GigaPixel AI v7.0
Topaz Photo ai v2.3.0 is out now.
Work with network.dll from previous version.
The same Network.dll works with Topaz GigaPixel AI v7.0
I think im doing something wrong. Is that a little youtube tutorial on how to install this program?
Last version hungs when comes to face detection. I use previous version who works flawlessly.
Hi! Could you upload the version of FileMail that was still working?
Because I’m having the same problem, but with v2.3.2 already….
@cyberloner: Topaz Photo AI v2.3.2 is out!
Hi! Could you link to an older, but still working version?
These are no longer working, the face recognition section freezes, so it is unusable.
I cannot confirm this, everything works with version v2.3.2, even with face recognition.
Interesting… Then I don’t know what’s wrong.
I installed 2x with a clean install, even cleaning the registry after uninstall, but that didn’t help either.
Then I found on the net a repackaged version two before this one, and it works flawlessly for the first time… ????
Don’t you have the latest version of Mac
Hi Cyberloner,
thank you very much for the latest Topaz Photo AI 2.4.0 Cracked Silent Install Repack!
I just have one question: Do I need an internet connection
– afterwards (to let Photo AI download some modules)
– or already during this Silent Installation process or
– none at all?
Many thanks in advance, Jez
You only need an Internet connection during the installation to check and download the model files. Not afterwards.
I just read that you are not well. I am very sorry and I wish you all the best! Get well soon! Jez
@ Dustin
Thanks a lot! Very nice of you to help out!
@ the community
Though I do trust Cyberloner I do not know what other parties are involved in the making of this Silent Installation Version. So I have to admit, that I am not quite happy to give internet access during a background installation process where I do not have the slightest idea of what is actually going on. I would rather let the app install “silently” and then on first start, when the program notices that some parts are missing, let it connect and download these parts. Unfortunately I do not know if this is a workable solution. Did anybody try this?
This is not possible, the installer loads files from the Topaz servers and this must be the case.
If you don’t want this, use a portable version of LREPACKS.net or 423down.com. But these are around 10+ GB!
Thanks for the update
This installer sucks. Forcing people to re=download big model files even though it’s already downloaded. Wasting time and not to mention the download size is huge. Big thumbs down.
You can always buy it.
This has nothing to do with the repack versions of Cyberloner, it’s what Topaz does! So give your thumbs down there in their forum 😉
However, models are only loaded if there are newer ones on the server or if some are missing. And I would generally not write so loudly, but rather be glad that Topaz still offers offline models at all. Most other providers have already switched to always online models. And then “free” use is no longer possible because it is server-based.
go to sittings, un-check Re-downloading models , then click OK
Hi! Is there a chance of an update to 2.4.1?
Many thanks in advance!
there is no stable v2.4.1, current build is v2.4.0!
If you mean the “dummy” release v2.4.1 on 423down.com, this is only v2.4.0 with a higher version number but otherwise 100% identical.
I don’t have Topaz Photo AI 2.3.2 macOS crack working. Is everyone okay?
@cyberloner: Topaz Photo AI v2.4.2 ist out 😉
Quite a few websites, which have been pretty legit in the past, already present v2.4.3. False claims?
Yes, there is no v2.4.3 right now! Release v2.4.3 is a “stub release” and is 100% identical to v2.4.2
Thanks for clarifying!
While your history seems sketchy to say the least, this one did not seem to alarm basic windows virus scan (not to say anyone should trust it!)
anyways, it seems like importing images doesn’t not work as it should, it does nothing when given image files.
@cyberloner Topaz Photo AI v3.0.0 is out and this is real! 😉
@cyberloner THX
now this is fast – Thanks!!!
Just one question: I have used your Silent Install of version 2.4.2.. Now do I have to do anything (some kind of uninstalling or whatever), before using the Silent Install of the new Version 3.0?
Best wishes and special greetings to Cyberloner and Dustin174!
no, just install the new version with MS Defender disabled
Thank you, Dustin!
General question @Cyberloner: Is there a place for software requests? Unfortunately I could not find one and I was wondering, if it might be possible to get a hand on Artisan Pro X 2024 and Quick Mask Pro 2024 (https://bwvision.com/ps-plugins/)?
Best wishes!
With all respect, first of all, thanks a lot for contributing. Downloaded your last version and it happens the same as with other users. It crashes and crashes and crashes….. My hardware meets all the requirements acording to Topaz. Kind regards.
With all due respect, the crashing is probably due to your setup, nothing crashes here.
But an important contribution from you. You can do a lot with it!
But if you are serious, then post your log, in which the crashes are traceable, because the app usually also writes the reason in it, e.g. memory bottlenecks.
Funny thing is, Never had problems but now with the v3.0.4. is indeed the program crashing.
I found where it goes wrong.
Think the users unpack also the exe file with winrar.
But in the Winrar is also a script for entering reg. keys.
When unpacking the exe it will not copy it.
Copy the following text and create a bat file
@echo off
:: Adding registry entries for Topaz Photo AI
Reg.exe add “HKCU\Software\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Photo AI” /ve /t REG_SZ /d “” /f
Reg.exe add “HKCU\Software\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Photo AI” /v “token” /t REG_SZ /d “null” /f
Reg.exe add “HKCU\Software\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Photo AI” /v “refreshToken” /t REG_SZ /d “null” /f
echo Registry entries added successfully.
Try to set the processing (Settings) to CPU instead of Auto or GPU
Topaz Photo AI v3.0.4 is out 😉
@cyberloner Topaz Photo AI 3.1.3 is out
as always, thanks for the update
hello bro don’t you have topaz video ai v3.4.3 ?? plisssssssss
@cyberloner: Topaz Photo AI v3.2.1 is out 😉
@cyberloner Topaz Photo AI 3.2.2 is out 😉