Introducing StartAllBack: Windows 11 from better timeline Embrace, enhance, unsweep classic UI from under the rug
Restore and improve taskbar
- Show labels on task icons
- Adjust icon size and margins
- Move taskbar to top, left or right edges
- Drag and drop stuff onto taskbar
- Center task icons but keep Start button on the left
- Split into segments, use dynamic translucency
- Separate corner icons with Windows 7/10 UI
Restore and improve File Explorer UI
- Ribbon and Command Bar revamped with translucent effects
- Details pane on bottom
- Old search box (the one which works)
- Dark mode support for more dialogs
Restore and improve context menus
- All new look with rounded acrylic menus
- Fast and responsive taskbar menus
- New fonts, better touch support
Restore and improve start menu
- Launch apps and go to system places in one click
- Navigate dropdown menus like a boss
- Enjoy fast and reliable search
Finally, lightweight styling and UI consistency
- Enjoy Windows 7, Windows 10 and third-party taskbar and start menu styles
- Fix UI inconsistencies in Win32 apps
- Don’t be blue: recolor UI in all windows apps
- Negative resource usage: fewer RAM used, fewer processes started
StartAllBack (stable) all changes:
[24H2] New battery and percentage text indicator
Text scaling will be used for task lists
Share for Windows 7 command bar uses menu
Fix plump language indicator not showing second line
Patch by rbc.. Thanks hpwamr sharing…
10 October 2021 – Testing pack in silent using auto it…… incase unintall and restart… manual delete C:\Program Files\StartAllBack ……. This program is pain in the ass for silent mode.
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x64
(中文自动安装破解版) x64 Chinese
17 thoughts on “StartAllBack++”
Hello, thank you very much for the contribution, could you upload the neglected Stardock Star11 program that already came out for windows 11?
it was only trial now
3.5 and 3.5.1 both work ok for me in silent mode. thanks. dev won’t reset my paid licenses so I take matters into my own hands.
Thank you for your awesome work! Silent mode is really worth it when it comes to installing it.
it is not !!! it is
Hi, please check the version of StartAllBackX64.dll and you will find it is version Check with right-click .dll file -> Properties -> Details Tab.
Hello, is there a way you can repost this on another filehost? The last couple of days krakenfiles keeps giving me an error about a server overload. I tried with various browsers and still cannot do. Thank you in advance.
As awways cyberloner, love your work and appreciate the adjustments!
super!! even come with a Chinese repack version, surprised me. LOL.
Thank you.
StartAllBack this one the latest ver
Link not working
Well, this is a beta version.
Hey, I recommend use this patch: https://github.com/Aetherinox/startallback-utility/releases/tag/v1.0.0.0
This file might have virus.
Hello the new udrop link now leads to 404 error please fix it
Thanks for changing the link 🙂