Are you having problems with your computer crashing, freezing or just running slow? Over time leftover files, invalid short cuts, registry errors and other junk items start to build up on your PC taking up valuable disk space and causing your computer to slow down or even crash. Smart PC PRO is the ultimate solution for finding and removing errors, optimizing your computer, protecting your private information and keeping you computer running like new!
Here are some key features of “Smart PC Professional”:
Fix up your PC!
You can fix your computer by yourself. Use the software to detect, diagnose and repair all types of PC problems. Regular use of the software will keep your computer running smooth and error-free without system failures.
Clean up your PC!
Normal operation of your PC generates lots of junk files some of which contain private information. The software easily detects useless junk and safely removes it reclaiming valuable disk space, ensuring personal privacy and security.
Optimize your PC!
Do you want to make your computer more powerful? The software can drastically quicken Window’s startup time and the performance of all applications.
Protect against Identity Theft – Clean up your tracks
Operations you perform with your computer are recorded and may be exposed to unauthorized disclosure without your knowledge. The Ensure Personal Privacy tool helps you to maintain your personal privacy.
Features of Smart PC Professional:
• Fix Your PC: Several options are added, such as control of System Sound Effects and purge of stale history concerning program operation.
• Clean You PC: Smart PC’s cleanup tools will help you to clean up autofill information including private information and the data concerning user’s actions. Besides, you can view these private items before the purge.
• Optimize Your PC: A unique option was added – Boost Windows that will accelerate the operation of your PC.
The following software tools improved: log and undo, general preferences, schedule. Be a Pro: use Smart PC Professional that will fix all problems professionally.
This innovative software product optimizes, cleans and maintains the health of your computer so that it continues to run smoothly. It easily fixes common errors that can plague your computer and removes junk files that clutter and slow down your system. In addition, this advanced program removes confidential information from your web browser and all traces of your online and offline activities helping protect your privacy. Smart PC Professional has everything you need to keep your PC running like new and your private information secure.
Smart PC Professional is simple, easy to use and safe. In just minutes you will have your computer like new again!
Features & Benefits:
Dramatically increase speed and stability
Smart PC Professional scans your windows registry to find problems and errors causing your computers instability and slower processing time. Once the errors are located you can fix them all with just one click of the mouse.
Optimize your system, security and internet settings
Fine tune and optimize your computer settings to ensure that your PC is always working in the fastest most efficient way possible. With Smart PC Professional you have the choice of customizing your settings or simply going with our recommendations for optimal performance speeds.
Clean up junk files and broken shortcuts
Smart PC Professional finds and removes junk files and broken short cuts which build up on your PC over time taking up valuable disk space and slowing down your computer. Trying to find and remove these items by yourself could take hours but with Smart PC Professional you will be able to find and remove them instantly.
Find and remove privacy risks
Did you know that as you surf the web information and often pictures are being collected on your computer that tell people where you have been and the sites you have visited? This information as well as the history of recently accessed files, temporary files and items in your recycle bin can leave a trail of private information for anybody looking for it. Smart PC Professional finds and removes these privacy risks from your PC helping ensure that your private information stays secure.
Dramatically improve your computer startup time
Does it take forever for your computer to load windows? Removing programs from your windows startup menu will improve the start time of your PC. Smart PC’s startup manager makes it easy to identify and remove unwanted programs from your startup menu with just one click. Start up and shutdown times can be improved dramatically when just a few programs are removed from the start up menu.
Fast, save and easy to use
Finding and removing all of these errors manually could take you hours and you run the risk of removing the wrong files or even accidentally deleting important registry keys. Smart PC Professional takes the guess work out of maintaining a healthy PC. With Smart PC the scans are safe, fast and efficient and will have your computer running like new in just minutes.
Thanks to UZ1 release
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x86