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MSI Installer Error

June 25, 2010 - Software
MSI Installer Error

In case you guys encounter installer error. Please don’t mind reading the tips to fix the error below.

Method 1

Unregister Windows Installer, and then reregister Windows Installer. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the “Start” menu, click “Run:.

2. In the “Open” box, type “msiexec /unreg“, and then press ENTER.

3. On the “Start” menu, click “Run”.

4. In the “Open” box, type “msiexec /regserver“, and then press ENTER.

Method 2

Upgrade to Windows Installer version 2 or newer version. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Start Microsoft Internet Explorer, and then browse to the following Microsoft Web site:


2. In the left pane tree menu, click “Setup and System Administration”, and then click “Setup”.

3. Click “Windows Installer”, and then click the appropriate link for your operating system.

4. Click “Download” to download and install Windows Installer version 2 or newer version.

Method 3

Use Windows Installer CleanUp Utility to uninstall the failed product.

Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility


Method 4
The Windows Installer service may disabled on the machine.

1. Go to “Start” -> “Run” , type “services.msc” and press on “Enter” button.

2. Double-click on the service named “Windows Installer“.

3. Check the value in the “Startup type:”  field. If it’s currently set to “Disabled“, then this is the

problem. Change it by selecting “Manual” from the drop-down box.

Method 5

Empty user and system “temp” folders.

1. Empty “%systemdrive%\temp” folder.

2. Empty “%systemdrive%\%windir%\temp” folder.

3. Empty “%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temp“.

Method 6

Enable Windows Installer Logging and call to PSS support.

How to Enable Windows Installer Logging


How to Enable Windows Installer Logging in Windows XP


Method 7

Check correct DCOM and System permissions:


Method 8

If you just upgrade Windows XP workstation to service pack 2 and the windows installer

problem appear only after this upgrade, please review the following knowledgebase:


Method 9

Check that the installation path length and environment variables length are execute

255 characters

Method 10

If you get the message error “Error 1628: Failed to complete script based install”

And followed the instruction above and it didn’t resolve the problem and you just create fresh

installation packet by using InstallShiled tool, please disable “Cache installation on local machine”

option during the installation packet create process.

Method 11

Check if there pending installation/s:

Warning: You should only edit these registry entries if you really know what you’re doing. Back up your hard disk first.

a. Empty “InProgress” Registry Key

Check the following registry key:


and clean any entries that you find.

b. Empty/Rename “PendingFileRenameOperations” Registry Key:

Check the following registry key:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations

and clean any entries that you find.
Method 12

Obtain update MSI Package from the software manufacture.


3 thoughts on “MSI Installer Error


This is actually very helpful. Thanks 🙂


best of the best guide

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