// galaksion // ad-maven


October 2, 2024 - Software

Batch script(s) to automate the activation of supported Windows and Office products using local KMS server emulator, or external server.

– The script is designed not to override the permanent activation of products (Windows or Office), only non-activated products will be KMS-activated (if supported).

– The script correctly handle Windows 10 multi-editions-coexistence (since version 1607) to avoid changing current edition or override retail activation.

– The ultimate feature of this solution when installed, it will provide 24/7 activation, whenever the system itself request it (renewal, reactivation, hardware change, Edition upgrade, new Office…), without needing interaction from user.

– Some security programs will report infected files due KMS emulating, this is false-positive, as long as you download the file from this trusted Home Page.

Therefore, temporary suspend Antivirus realtime protection, or exclude the downloaded file and extracted folder from scanning to avoid quarantine.

If you are installing Auto Renewal setup then you also need to exclude this file:


Supported Products


Windows 10/11:
Enterprise, Enterprise LTSC/LTSB, Enterprise G, Enterprise multi-session, Enterprise, Education, Pro, Pro Workstation, Pro Education, Home, Home Single Language, Home China

Windows 8.1:
Enterprise, Pro, Pro with Media Center, Core, Core Single Language, Core China, Pro for Students, Bing, Bing Single Language, Bing China, Embedded Industry Enterprise/Pro/Automotive

Windows 8:
Enterprise, Pro, Pro with Media Center, Core, Core Single Language, Core China, Embedded Industry Enterprise/Pro

Windows 10/11 on ARM64 is supported. Windows 8/8.1/10/11 N editions variants are also supported (e.g. Pro N)

Windows 7:
Enterprise /N/E, Professional /N/E, Embedded POSReady/ThinPC

Windows Server 2022/2019/2016:
LTSC editions (Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, Cloud Storage, Azure Core, Server ARM64), SAC editions (Standard ACor, Datacenter ACor, Azure Datacenter)

Windows Server 2012 R2:
Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, Cloud Storage

Windows Server 2012:
Standard, Datacenter, MultiPoint Standard, MultiPoint Premium

Windows Server 2008 R2:
Standard, Datacenter, Enterprise, MultiPoint, Web, HPC Cluster

Office Volume 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / 2021


These editions are only KMS-activatable for 45 days at max:

Windows 10/11 Home edition variants
Windows 8.1 Core edition variants, Pro with Media Center, Pro Student

These editions are only KMS-activatable for 30 days at max:

Windows 8 Core edition variants, Pro with Media Center


supported Windows products do not need volume conversion, only the GVLK (KMS key) is needed, which the script will install accordingly.
KMS activation on Windows 7 has a limitation related to OEM Activation 2.0 and Windows marker.


Added workaround for extracting embedded binaries (SppExtComObjHook.dll, cleanospp.exe) to avoid failure if the user profile name (%temp% path) contain special characters (thanks to @BAU for the fix)

thanks to @Windows_Addict for suggestions and testing

AIO vs. Traditional

The KMS_VL_ALL_AIO fork has these differences and extra features compared to the traditional KMS_VL_ALL:

  • Portable all-in-one script, easier to move and distribute alone.
  • All options and configurations are accessed via easy-to-use menu.
  • Combine all the functions of the traditional scripts (Activate, AutoRenewal-Setup, Check-Activation-Status, setupcomplete).
  • Required binary files are embedded in the script (including ReadMeAIO.html itself), using ascii encoder by @BAU [AveYo].
  • The needed files get extracted (decoded) later on-demand, via Windows PowerShell.
  • Simple text colorization for some menu options (for easier differentiation).
  • Auto administrator elevation request.


53: Updated SppExtComObjHook.dll for Office 2024 CSVLK

52: Code improvements and fixes.

51: Code improvements and fixes.

50: Code improvements and fixes.

49: Code improvements and fixes.

48: Add Office C2R vNext override option.

47: Code improvements and fixes. More info.

46: Code improvements and fixes. More info.

45u: Fixed small typo in Activate.cmd which prevent installing keys with VBScript mode

45r: Fix AutoRenewal on non-Volume Windows 7. Fixed running from read-only location

45: Add VBScript mode to compensate the missing wmic.exe on Windows 11 build 22483 and later

44: Updated SppExtComObjHook.dll to give the generated KMS ePID accurate CSVLK date

43: Updated SppExtComObjHook.dll for Office 2021 CSVLK

42: Improvements and support for Office 2021. More info.

41r: Fixed, External mode activation by editing the script is not working

41f: Minor release to implement fix for Office C2R ‘Get genuine’ banner

41: Add support for Windows 10 ARM64. Few code improvements.

40: Improvements and support for Server 2021. More info.

39: Bug fixes and improvements. More info.

38r: Fixed typo and implemented debug mode in setupcomplete.cmd

38: Enhanced Auto C2R-R2V. PUBLIC variable to extract ReadMeAIO.html. Show message for error 0xC004F035 on Windows 7. More info.

37: Minor release. Improved auto Office C2R Retail to Volume conversion.

36: New features and code improvements. More info.

35: Bug fixes and improvements. More info.

34: Bug fixes. More info.

33: Enhanced sppsvc/osppsvc detection. Added more command line switches. More info.

32: Revamp. More info.

31: Updated SppExtComObjHook.dll, Enhanced permanent activation detection

30: Updated SppExtComObjHook.dll/ReadMe.txt. Activate-Local.cmd can change RenewalInterval/ActivationInterval directly

29: Code improvement, replaced key.vbs with key.cmd

28: Bug fix, enhanced Office C2R detection

27: Updated SppExtComObjHook.dll. Support for Windows 10 KMS 2038

26: Fixes and improvements. More info.

25: New unified SppExtComObjHook.dll

24: New GVLKs (EnterpriseS 2019, Server 2019, ServerRdsh RS5)

23: New unified SppExtComObjPatcher.dll

22: New GVLKs (Office 2019, Windows 10 Lean)

21: Support for Office 2019 SKUs

20: Fixes and improvements. More info.

19: Fixed missing KMS variables in setupcomplete.cmd script

18: Fixes and improvements. More info.

17: Added Windows 10 Education to multi-edition combination. Categorized GVLKs.

16: Support/Fix for Windows 10 ProfessionalWorkstation. GVLKs for ServerStandardACor, ServerDatacenterACor.

15: Workaround for Windows 10 Pro/ProEdu/Enterprise combination. Support for new SKUs. Fix for EnterpriseG Remaining Period.

14: Revert to check installed Edition with DISM

13: Fixed missing osppsvc.exe hook entries

12: Fixed bug on pre Windows10, added support for EnterpriseG

10: support for Windows 10 / Server 2016

More Info

Credited to abbodi1406



10 thoughts on “KMS_VL_ALL 53


Traditional pack: Unable to download


Tested fine here… how come…


Dobrý den, můžu poprosit o heslo? Děkuji Mirek


what do i do after i download it?


I want to try out windows 10 but which KMS should I use? This release or “KMS-VL-ALL-7.2 RC5”? I will be using the version downloaded from here: https://www.cybermania.ws/software/windows-10-enterprise-ltsc-2021-19044-1288/ Thank you for all your great work


    download enterprise version and use any kms… i suggest ltsc 2021. Get an ssd or nvme if you don’t have it.


Sorry Sybermania,
The explanation cannot be understood by non-IT people.
Don’t get what makes it different.
Also the translation into my mother tongue from the crazy English what everyone thinks who sets something like this everyone understands..
So not even a youtube to see what makes it better.
So I downloaded it but deleted it again…
I have no idea what makes this better than conventional KMS
Also no exe to find to start it… just a cmd
well thanks for nothing….


    Open the cmd file and type 1 is not that hard


Version 51 works perfectly with Office 2024 Preview

Thanks !


Activating: Office 24, Office24VisioPro2024PreviewVL_KMS_Client_AE edition
Product Activation Successful
Remaining Period: 180 days (259200 minutes)

Activating: Office 24, Office24ProjectPro2024PreviewVL_KMS_Client_AE edition
Product Activation Successful
Remaining Period: 180 days (259200 minutes)

Activating: Office 24, Office24ProPlus2024PreviewVL_KMS_Client_AE edition
Product Activation Successful
Remaining Period: 180 days (259200 minutes)

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