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DymaxIO Server / Client

December 24, 2024 - Software
DymaxIO Server / Client

DymaxIO is fast data software. Whether on-premises or in the Cloud, DymaxIO returns 40%+ of your throughput that is being robbed due to I/O inefficiencies. It’s fast, easy, fully transparent, and automatic. Fix application slows, freezes, timeouts, slow SQL queries, reduce cloud compute costs, and more, at the source. Get your speed back now with new DymaxIO.

DymaxIO is fast data software. It is the most cost-effective, easy, and indispensable solution for increased throughput and accelerated I/O performance, so systems and applications run at peak speed. DymaxIO utilizes AI (artificial intelligence) to detect and deploy the appropriate performance enhancement technologies for the exact individual system so organizations can boost performance without overspending on hardware.

DymaxIO eliminates the two big I/O inefficiencies in Windows environments that generate a minimum of 30-40% of noisy I/O traffic causing performance and reliability problems. By installing DymaxIO organizations can expect an immediate performance boost in MS-SQL workloads, Oracle, ERP, VDI, EHR (MEDITECH), Business Intelligence (BI) apps, CRM, Exchange, SharePoint, file servers, backup, and more.

Condusiv guarantees that you will get better than new performance from systems using DymaxIO. If you want fast data, you want DymaxIO. No new hardware and no reboot necessary.

I/O Inefficiencies that Rob Performance

There are 2 severe I/O inefficiencies that cause performance and reliability problems.

First, is caused by the behavior of the Windows file system. It will tend to break up writes into separate storage I/Os and send each I/O packet down to the storage layer separately and this causes I/O characteristics that are much smaller, more fractured, more random than they need to be.

Second is storage IO contention, also known as the I/O Blender Effect, which happens when you have multiple systems all sharing the same storage resource, such as multiple VMs all sending small, random I/Os down through the same hypervisor.

Your performance is penalized twice by these storage I/O inefficiencies causing systems to process workloads about 50% slower than they should.

DymaxIO dynamically accelerates data for maximum I/O performance. By solving I/O inefficiencies at the source, DymaxIO improves application performance, increases throughput 30-40%, reduces latency, increases VDI capacity, reduces timeouts and crashes, shortens backups, improves data transfer rates and extends hardware lifecycles.

Proactive and Efficient Server Performance Optimization

DymaxIO contains thin file system drivers, that installs (no reboot required) on Windows VMs or physical servers and performs optimizations inline automatically while running transparently in the background with near-zero overhead to the server. What little CPU cycles are needed to run at lowest priority so as not to interfere with server operations in the event that CPU cycles are needed by other applications or processes.

DymaxIO contains a suite of patented technologies that optimize the Windows Storage I/O subsystem so that applications can get to and from the storage layer much faster and process a lot more data.

Some organizations may react to performance challenges by throwing expensive new hardware at the problem. Overbuying and overprovisioning for more IOPS or data throughput might mask the underlying problem for a while, but it does not solve the root cause of performance issues. The quickest, most inexpensive, and least disruptive approach to more performance is simply installing DymaxIO fast data software on all of your Windows systems and watching performance problems disappear.

Keep your Windows systems running better than new with DymaxIO fast data software

• Delivers accelerated I/O performance for Windows systems whether physical, virtual, or in the cloud

• Improves business productivity by ensuring applications run at peak performance

• Proactively prevents performance-robbing fragmentation at the Windows OS level

• Caches hot reads from idle, available DRAM

• Operates with true “Set It and Forget It®” management

• Low overhead with resource monitoring for continuous optimization without hampering resources

• Dashboard reporting shows the amount of I/O offloaded from storage and how much I/O processing time is saved so the value is easily quantifiable and never in question

• No reboot required. Simply install, allow 24 hours for algorithms to adjust, then pull up the dashboard after a few days to see the percentage of read and write traffic eliminated and resulting time saved

DymaxIO Features

Whether on-premises or in the Cloud, DymaxIO contains a suite of patented technologies to accelerate your applications from VM or physical server to storage:


IntelliWrite is a patented write optimization technology that automatically prevents excessively small, fractured, random writes and reads that harms performance due to the severe inefficiency in the native hand-off of data between the Windows OS and underlying storage. [+ expand to read more] IntelliWrite write I/O optimization technology prevents excessively small, fractured I/O characteristics in real-time by providing file size intelligence to Windows to help it choose the best allocation at the logical disk layer when writing files. This intelligence ensures large, clean contiguous writes and subsequent reads in which maximum payload is carried with every I/O operation to and from the OS to underlying storage. Without IntelliWrite, the Windows OS just opts for the next available address at the logical disk layer, which is rarely, if ever, the right size. This inefficiency causes many more I/O operations to occur to/from underlying storage for any given file that should be optimally written and read with a single I/O operation. Since DymaxIO reduces the number of I/Os for any given workload, there are even fewer I/O operations being mixed and randomized at the hypervisor or SAN level, which combats the ill-effects of the “I/O blender” effect.


IntelliMemory is a patented read I/O optimization technology that intelligently caches hot read requests from server memory that is otherwise idle and unused. [+ expand to read more] IntelliMemory is a server-side DRAM read caching engine that dynamically leverages idle, available DRAM to target I/O that penalizes storage performance the most—small, random I/O. IntelliMemory’s behavioral analytics engine makes the best use of DRAM for caching by collecting usage data and I/O characteristics across a wide range of data points. By servicing I/O at the top of the technology stack from the fastest storage media possible, organizations reduce latency and further reduce the amount of I/O having to travel to storage, complementing the I/O reduction benefits from IntelliWrite.


InvisiTasking is a patented intelligent scheduling technology that allows all the DymaxIO “background” operations within the server to run with zero resource impact on current production by only leveraging idle CPU cycles and memory. Should other processes demand those resources, InvisiTasking ensures they are released without latency so there is never an issue of resource contention.

Benefit Reporting

The “time saved” dashboard demonstrates the value by showing the amount of I/O traffic offloaded from storage, the percentage of read and write I/O traffic offloaded, and the resulting time saved to any one system or group of systems. [+ expand to read more] The Benefits tab shows “time saved” analytics such as Total I/Os Eliminated, Read I/Os Eliminated, Write I/Os Eliminated, Storage I/O Time Saved, Fragments Prevented and Eliminated, and Free Spaces Consolidated. The I/O Performance Monitoring tab reveals key performance metrics like IOPS, throughput and latency. It reveals the amount of workload processed on the local system for any given time period. It also provides important memory usage information like total physical memory and min/max/avg of available memory and how much of that was used for cache. This helps administrators fine tune memory allocations to get the most from the IntelliMemory DRAM caching engine. If there is not sufficient available DRAM, users are not getting the best performance possible from DymaxIO. The Analytics tab provides an hour-by-hour view for any time period to understand exactly what is happening on the local system related to key metrics like workload, read/write percentage, IOPS, throughput, I/O response time and benefits like write I/O reduction from IntelliWrite and read I/O reduction from IntelliMemory.

I/O Performance Monitoring

Reveals key performance metrics like IOPS, throughput and latency. It reveals the amount of workload processed on the local system for any given time period. It also provides important memory usage information like total physical memory and min/max/avg of available memory and how much of that was used for cache. This helps administrators fine tune memory allocations to get the most from the IntelliMemory DRAM caching engine. If there is not sufficient available DRAM, users are not getting the best performance possible from Diskeeper.

Condusiv Management Console

Provides seamless deployment and centralized management. Enjoy fast, non-disruptive deployment even in the most complex environments – No reboots required. Easy management across a wide range of environments and locations. I/O performance monitoring gives administrators visibility into key I/O metrics to explain workload behavior across different applications—greatly reducing the burden of troubleshooting and tuning for performance.

Specialized Engines and Technologies

Instant Defrag™

Monitors volumes to resolve critically fragmented files in real-time that are known to cause performance problems, making it SAN-friendly.

Free Space Consolidation Engine

Swiftly consolidates free space. Efficiently handles rare cases of volumes with extreme free space fragmentation.

Terabyte Volume Engine®

Technology engineered to rapidly defragment volumes with hundreds of thousands to millions of files.

CogniSAN™ and V-Aware®

These technologies are extensions to InvisiTasking that ensure optimizations occur using only available resources. As a result, DymaxIO avoids creating additional I/O that might interfere with workloads on the storage media being executed by other systems. This is Ideal for SANs or hypervisor-managed storage, where multiple VMs have the VDDs on the same physical disk or drive.


Resolves extreme file fragmentation issues that can cause the File Attribute List (FAL) to reach its maximum size limit and risk downtime in environments like MS Exchange, MS-SQL or some EHR applications.

Operating Systems Supported

DymaxIO installs on all Windows 64-bit virtual and physical systems:

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012 (or R2)
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019

Disk Subsystems Supported

Primary Partitions
Extended Partitions
Logical Drives
Volume Sets
RAID Arrays (hardware and software)
Mirrored Disks
Mounted Volumes (letter-less drives)

Maximum supported volume size: unlimited

Supported Platforms and Configurations

DymaxIO is both hypervisor and storage agnostic. DymaxIO is compatible with any system that is compatible with Windows and improves the efficiency of all VMware ESX/ESXi, Hyper-V, and Xen platforms supported by SAN/NAS storage, Hyperconverged storage, local storage, SSDs, all-flash, or cloud storage like Azure or AWS.

Required Memory: 3GB of physical memory per VM or physical server

Recommended Memory for Optimum Caching: 4GB of available physical memory per VM or physical server

If running on MS-SQL: add up to 16GB of DRAM for blazing results, then cap SQL memory usage leaving the additional memory leftover for the OS and DymaxIO. If no additional memory is available, cap SQL memory usage leaving 8GB for the OS and DymaxIO.

Recommendation: Optimum results will not be achieved unless (1) systems have adequate memory and (2) the software is installed on each VM on the same host. Since each Windows VM generates a minimum of 30-40% unnecessary I/O traffic, it is imperative to install DymaxIO on all the VMs on the same host.

Condusiv Management Console

Condusiv Management Console UI supports IE 11

CMC master node installs on physical servers and VMs and supports Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 64-bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, 64-bit

Operating Systems Supported

DymaxIO installs on all Windows 64-bit virtual and physical systems:

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11

Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012 (or R2)
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022

V20.0.120 (incremental release)

  • A minor adjustment in the IntelliMemory feature. For systems with larger physical memory capacity, it will leave more available memory on the system before using any for read caching.

More Info


Thanks to darkbyte release. It shows expired but working in background. Let.s try~!

5 October 2023 – Cosmetic tweak (Thanks to RazTK,  sam3971) nsane

4 September 2024 – Remove unlincensed text…


(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x64


30 thoughts on “DymaxIO Server / Client


it doesn t show the results….!!!!!!!! pls help repair this version, darkbyte release works fine but this repack from cybermany dont show results io/performance metrics it shows on web like it loadinng data as forever loop , can check again , if i install the old version darkbyte works fine shows data and metrics but this not working properly , thank you


    Noted. Fixed. Notification cannot be disable… Reenable…Thanks report


After 1 hours it says unlicensed at product alert in console , can you reseolve error and dymaxio says critical error , thanks for helping us


      thanks mate


Better repack all issues resolved
DymaxIO v20.0.110.0 RePack

Site: https://www.mirrored.to
Sharecode: /files/1HKQOOR1/DymaxIO_v20.0.110.0_RePack_v1.7z_links


    This shows its unliscensed a few hours after install? ignore it?


      ignore.. else download and use another one…


        seems to still be working. the other ones wouldnt show any reports, just kept spinning.


          it is running well for me…


          which one you running, the repack above or the (Cracked Silent Install Repack) x64 you have listed at bottom of article?


          both is ok… cosmetic version is only one now


          ok. its still working good!


Hi mate, for now it works, it is marked in green as active. Will it really work or do we have to check just in case that it does not deactivate?… Do we have to update when new versions come out or is that not mandatory?


    it can run forever… green will become red if failure …


      Will the Dymaxio work and run on Windows 11 computer? The worked great on windows 10


        running well on 23h2 24h2 sir


          It isn’t working on Windows 11 24H2, the UI shows its status green, and 1,200 fragments eliminated, but in the registry the Frags eliminated shows zero


DymaxIO Server / Client has old version DymaxIOService.exe service crack from the repack is from old version from DymaxIO v20.0.110


the repack crack is DymaxIOService.exe from from DymaxIO v20.0.110 , can you reupdate new crack for latest version it says in console latest , but DymaxIOService.exe is from old version


“Spam Boy. You Have Already Been Answered by Dimar0n.”


hope someone will release a full crack for latest

DymaxIO v20.0.118.0 Condusiv Technologies

[Fully Fixed](With “DymaxIOService.exe” with version


DymaxIO Service no run

the service does not start because it is cracked? Windows Server 2022


    tested ok on my vmware server 2022


      sure hardware environment is the problem I think so
      I’m pretty sure 2022 didn’t install some components because the legit 30 day version doesn’t work either

      DymaxIO server/client
      driver is loaded, system start service does not start

      DymaxIO20.0.110.0×64.exe on this version and the driver could not be loaded, the machine crashed. Unfortunately, for some reason I cannot take advantage of the benefits of the program.

      The hardware environment is dell r730
      hw raid 16 hdd 500gb raid5
      sw raid 5x10tb raid0
      sw raid0 5x14tb raid0

      Napló neve: System
      Forrás: Service Control Manager
      Dátum: 2024.09.21. 8:10:22
      Szint: Hiba
      Kulcsszavak: Klasszikus
      Felhasználó: n.a.
      Számítógép: BACKUP
      A szolgáltatás (DymaxIO) a következő hiba következtében leállt:
      A szolgáltatás nem válaszolt megfelelő időben az indítási vagy vezérlési kérésre.
      Esemény XML:






        the older servers are server 2016 server 2012 doesn’t run on it

        another 2022 the previous version is fine, that’s why I’d rather not change the version
        4 server 2db 2022 1db 2016 1db 2012


who still keep dymaxio 20.0.110 original installer please share


On the DymaxIO website, there are two links, one for the Server and the other for the Client.

Is the installer for the server and the client the same? (only the license is different?)


    it is same… that was only license

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