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Dolby Digital Atmos Decoders for Windows 10 LTSC 2021

January 18, 2022 - Software
Dolby Digital Atmos Decoders for Windows 10 LTSC 2021

Add missing Dolby Decoder from microsoft in Windows LTSC 2021.

These dolbyfiles is to get Adobe products to work in LTSC. Without these files you will have no sound in Premiere, AF, AU……….


DLL is rip from Win 10 Pro 21H2 ….

VALUE “CompanyName”, “Microsoft Corporation”
VALUE “FileDescription”, “Media Foundation Dolby Digital Atmos Decoders”
VALUE “FileVersion”, “10.0.19041.1466 (WinBuild.160101.0800)”
VALUE “InternalName”, “Media Foundation Dolby Digital Atmos Decoders”
VALUE “LegalCopyright”, “\xA9 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.”
VALUE “OriginalFilename”, “DolbyAtmosDecMFT.dll”
VALUE “ProductName”, “Microsoft\xAE Windows\xAE Operating System”
VALUE “ProductVersion”, “10.0.19041.1466”


Thanks to Bjørn Ove Sætre Guide


You should rename the Common folder in Users\Username\Appdata\Roaming`\Adobe to common.old if there’s still
no sound in Premiere. A new Common folder will be created and everything should work


Remark: Repack into installer for installation of DolbyDecMFT.dll decoder file into windows system32 and wow64 folder… No uninstallation is apply.


(Silent Install Repack) x64


3 thoughts on “Dolby Digital Atmos Decoders for Windows 10 LTSC 2021


The link is invalid. Can you upload again? Thanks.


Thanks for sharing !

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