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Faronics Deep Freeze Standard / Enterprise

December 31, 2023 - Software
Faronics Deep Freeze Standard / Enterprise

Faronics Deep Freeze Enterprise makes PCs indestructible. It protects endpoints by Freezing the desired configuration set by the IT Admin. With a simple reboot, any unwelcome or unwanted changes are removed from the system, restoring it to the original state.


Meanwhile, user data can be stored safely on a network drive or in a ThawSpace to be retained across reboots. This helps systems run smoothly and efficiently, while giving you more up-time and boosting user productivity. The built-in Enterprise Console or Core Console makes life even easier.

Using Deep Freeze’s central management capabilities, you can customize, deploy and manage Deep Freeze on your endpoints from one central location. Need to manage Windows Updates? Simply download them while Frozen and they’re automatically applied when machines are Thawed. Once the process is finished, they are automatically returned to their Frozen state.

Since our reboot to restore software ensures 100% workstation recovery with every restart, you can watch that mountain of support tickets shrink. Customers report an average reduction of 63%. You can also forget about accidental configuration changes, malicious software, and operating system degradation. Now you and your IT staff can get more sleep, worry less, and maybe even leave the office on time once in a while.


Key Features:

100% Guarantee of Computer Recovery with Every Restart.

Secure the Master Boot Record (MBR).

Stealth Mode can hide the Deep Freeze system tray icon.

Easy deployment options including a silent install for rapid network deployment, deployment as part of your imaging solution.

Provides password protection and complete security.

Protection from Ransomware and Malware.

Protects multiple hard drives and partitions.

Supports multi-boot environments.

Supports SSD, SCSI, ATA, SATA, and IDE hard drives.

Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, basic and dynamic disks.


OS: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8.1/10 and Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2012 [x86 x64]


Whats New:

Version (June 26, 2020)

New Features

*Feature Updates
Introduced a new option under Windows Update tab to install “Security, Critical, & Feature Updates” when retrieving updates from the Microsoft Windows Update website. An issue with not being able to reliably install Feature Updates has been resolved as well.

*Update WSUS Server
Implemented mechanism to forcibly update Windows Update status to WSUS server during Windows Update task.

*Support for Latest Boot Camp
Deep Freeze supports Boot Camp v6.1.7748 and up.

*Enhanced Cloud Connector Security
TLS 1.1 and 1.2 are now used to connect the Enterprise console to de

More Info


Thanks to B.I.C.R.E release


Deep Freeze Standard (31/12/2023 New Crack)

(Installer with crack) x86



Deep Freeze Enterprise





activation: G4VXRQB3P35YPVWGJP3EEQ5G






Deep Freeze Enterprise (Windows 7 only)


21 thoughts on “Faronics Deep Freeze Standard / Enterprise


how do I activate the frozen computers?


    you cannot change anything to a frooze pc… you need unlock it


how do I activate Deep Freeze Enterprise?


      using only the serial remains prompt to activate (workstation).


        if using enterprise version and activated with serial. you need make own client via enterprise software


uso Enterprise pero el cliente sale pendiente de activación, como lo activo


    there is no need to activate the client if you make own client via enterprise software sir

      [email protected]

      Please can you help us? Cuz seems like everybody has a problem with pending activation in workstation. Even though license key type is Full ( licensed ), the activation status is pending. I clicked in add a new configuration then filled the info there, then exported the Workstation Installer. It is not activated even though license is Full. Please help. You can reply even in my email if it is easier.

[email protected]

Please can you help us? Cuz seems like everybody has a problem with pending activation in workstation. Even though license key type is Full ( licensed ), the activation status is pending. I clicked in add a new configuration then filled the info there, then exported the Workstation Installer. It is not activated even though license is Full. Please help. You can reply even in my email if it is easier.


    please download standart version and use patcher.exe for enterprise. So it support both versions 🙂


      Patcher.exe does not work.


How can I activate the Deepfreeze Enterprise workstation version installed on the same machine as the Enterprise Console/Server? Using the serials listed above activate the Enterprise Console/Server but the workstation edition shows licensed but activation pending?


    you may use standalone crack to patch the enterprise client


      hola, recientemente intenté hacerlo pero no logro hacer que la pc cliente (workstation) funcione correctamente. tengo el enterprise y el cliente lo activé con el patch de la version ya que no encontré el parche igual o similar al 8.60 del enterprise


hello it is possible to activate Deepfreeze Enterprise offline


Does anyone know the password? Cause that is happening to me, that after applying the patch, no password works for me in the window that appears when pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F6


      It didn’t work. I had to reinstall it and type one of the serials of the post; then, skip setting a password when it prompts for that, and finally apply the patch.

      Now, I got the same problem that our another folks say: “Licensed but activation pending”

      Is that normal? I’m using Deep Freeze Standard, and there’s no way to type an activation code.

      Check these screenshots:



The easiest fix I found so far for the activation pending problem was to just install the previous version of Deep Freeze(8.63).

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