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Caliope On Air Radio 7.2.1

December 14, 2021 - Software
Caliope On Air Radio 7.2.1

OnAir Radio is our advanced and reliable radio automation software for radio stations. OnAir Radio contains everything you need to run a radio station: a player, multiple carts, a jingle machine, a library and an integrated and sophisticated music scheduler. All in one well-designed, user-friendly solution.

Highlights of OnAir radio

OnAir Radio: Advanced and reliable radio automation software


A fully integrated solution

The software contains everything you need: Player, Carts, Jingle machine, Library and a Music scheduler. OnAir Radio is an all-in-one, reliable and user-friendly radio automation system.


A well designed user Interface

OnAir Radio has an user friendly interface and is easy to understand. There are no unnecessary buttons nor an abundant use of colours, resulting in clean, easy to understand screens.

Multiple stations

Optimised for multiple stations

OnAir Radio is optimised for operating multiple stations or channels. Every radio station or channel can be controlled from the same console and all your assets are stored in one single library. The central planner makes playlists for all your stations.


Specialised in localised editions

If you are broadcasting to different regions and want to broadcast different commercials (or other localized content like news, traffic, jingles, promos etc) you can use our sophisticated Edition system.

The DJ Console

The part of the radio software that the DJ’s use

The DJ console contains all the tools the DJ needs: Player, Multipe Carts, Jingle player and a search screen.

Menu Bar of OnAir Radio, our radio Automation Software

The Player

The Player loads the playlist and can be used in either lIve-assist or non-stop mode. Just press the button Autoplay to switch between live-assist or non-stop.

You can easily change the playlist even if the player is playing. Just remove items, add items or move them freely in the playlist.

Voicetracks can be inserted with a push on the voicetrack button; The player inserts an empty placeholder for the voice-track and all you have to do is to open the mix-editor to record your voice-track

Mix editor

The versatile tool to prepare broadcasts or to use in live-assist

With the built in mix editor, DJ’s can prelisten and adapt segues between items. Although all mixes are already automatically set by the cue points, DJ’s can adapt any mix, even if the item is already playing!

VoiceTracking in the mix editor

Our mix editor can also be used for voice tracking. DJ’s can listen to the outro of the first item and while it is still playing, start recording their voice track by just pressing the SPACE bar and then start the next song while still recording. When the recording is done, all cue points can be adjusted and even the recording itself can be edited. It will sound like a real live show.

Jumping form voice track to voice track a DJ can prepare a show in a very short time.

More Info


Thanks to Radiopirate (TSRh) sharing… Respect to JonArbuckle keygen..


(Installer with keygen) x64


7 thoughts on “Caliope On Air Radio 7.2.1


This crack works till version 8.7.2. However, the new version 9.1.0 says failed license. Hope that TSRh – JonArbuckle can do his trick again.


    Hello, do you have version 8.7.2, it cannot be found because I have problems with this version, best regards, thank you


better crack for omniplayer e2 e3 possible


Hello there my friend. Link dead on this one 🙂


thanks for this post


thanks for this program

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